Creativity, quality, and effectiveness


Melbourne Professional Photographer

Looking for fresh content?

Let’s strategise.

Tailored to fit your budget.

Drop me a message and leave the stress behind.


Hope you’ve been enjoying your time here at http://www.tanyoowang.com, and thanks a bunch for making it to this final page!

Finding the perfect photographer can be a real challenge, and bouncing around different websites can be a headache. Plus, there’s always the risk of not finding the right fit.

So, why not have a friendly chat about what you’re looking for before diving into a photoshoot session?

Feel free to drop a message in the form below, and I’ll do my best to get back to you ASAP.

Wishing you a fantastic day!

Chat soon,

P.S.  Stay connect & Follow me here:

EMAIL: tan@tanyoowang.com